
I promote empowerment. Thus, each person assumes 100% liability and responsibility on how they interpret and utilize the educational information offered. Please consult your health care provider as well as do your own research! I believe all healing comes from God and that God helps those who help themselves. I am required by law to remind you that I am not a doctor and I DO NOT diagnose or prescribe medications. I am an educator who helps people to help themselves. I offer this service, in gratitude, to humanity and as an expression of my truth..
HealThy Self...Help One Another
Experience the Power of Positive Collaboration!
It is healing, inspiring, supportive and empowering, and more important, keeps us sane amidst the chaos.

I'm having a lot of fun developing this web site! It has 2 intentions. First, to get the word out about what I offer. Second, to offer a site where things can be viewed, read, or heard that are fun, inspiring and empowering. I hope you enjoy browsing! Please email me if you have any suggestions of anything you would like to see on this site.
With so much information regarding the multitude of "healthful" practices available, how is a person to wade through the sea of products, information, and therapies to know which choice is right for them? Which alternative therapies are okay? What are the "red flags" to watch for? When to should one see a doctor? With 40 years as a nurse in the health care industry and over 30 years in alternative therapies, I can help clarify some of the choices a person may make for their well-being.
The mission of NPowered, LLC is to empower people to their potential well-being thereby reciprocally enhancing the well-being of families, communities and the world. In honoring each person’s individuality, NPowered serves as a catalyst to inspire understanding and healing through the education and utilization of various modalities. Operating with the values of integrity, accountability, and trust, NPowered co-creatively inspires wisdom, well-being and empowerment in an environment feeling safe and supported.
My belief is that a balance of both the western (allopathic) and alternative health care can be created to empower ourselves to health and keep us healthy. We are each unique in genetics, environment, thoughts and beliefs; therefore, what works for one person may not work for another. Furthermore, we all find well-being and meaning in different avenues of life. When choices are made with these factors considered as well as the "energy of who we are", the choices made resonate with our well-being. By making choices that resonate and enhance our well-being, we become more knowledgeable about ourselves (and consequently others!). Knowledge is empowering! It is my belief and practice to empower others. Although we may need the assistance of others at times, true healing can only come from within, the power of one self!
* Masters Degree in Nursing Education
* Hanna Kroeger Practitioner
* Reiki Master Tera-Mai
* Master-Instructor Integrated Energy Therapy®
* The Reconnection™ and Reconnection Healing® Practitioner
* Advanced Practitioner PSYCH-K®
* EFT Practitioner
* Massage Practitioner
* Ordained Minister of the Full Gospel Ministry
* Medical Intuitive
My varied educational and clinical experiences in both the western and alternative health care offer a unique opportunity. I feel that when a practitioner calls forth the energy to heal, that there is also a responsibility to bring illumination to the mind. And this is my mastery, I can help one understand and help one's self....to find what works for you, how you can find your answers, your wisdom, and the birthright of your own personal power. I can help you help yourself, find the core of an issue, and the wisdom of that message.
Although my primary practice is a remote energetic analysis with balancing of energy, I have had training in multiple modalities and often incorporate the wisdom of them all. If you are looking for a specific modality, please refer to the information below about modalities to find a practitioner for that modality.
The energy analysis and energy work are done remotely. Some people find this remote aspect challenging, and thus, what I offer may not resonate for them. However, in explanation, in keeping with my integrity and truth, my intent is to offer a true and accurate reading and remote offers significantly less energetic interferences than in person (it IS an energetic reading!). Additionally, I work intensely with Spirit (mine and the client's) when the energy session is done, On special occasions, I do offer some in-person services such as energy treatments (similar to Reiki) and/or demonstrations of hands-on healing techniques. I also available, primarily by phone, for guidance on life’s journey as well as the deeper dive into the significance of the energetic sessions and imbalances discovered.
Be advised that if Spirit tells me that it is not my turn to help, I will inform you; thus, I retain the right to decline service.
I offer 2 types of readings. The first is an energetic balancing which MIGHT include recommendations for herbs and/or homeopathy which I do NOT profit from these recommendations. The 2nd reading includes the energetic balancing as well as exploration of the issue/concern you may have. BE ADVISED: this 2nd energetic reading often reveals the core or basis of the energetic imbalance. The information provided with this 2nd reading can create feelings of vulnerability and feelings of being overwhelmed. If you are not already engaged in the practice of reflection as well as personal accountability, this path of healing will be extremely challenging for you and, perhaps, you may do well to look else where. This 2nd reading often brings up profound issues previously not considered and/or dismissed. To process the information of this profound transformational 2nd reading will require you to delve deeply within yourself. One must have a knowledge, and preferably an understanding, of personal triggers as well as healthy coping mechanisms/resources to further assist one on their healing journey. Only those willing to walk this courageous path of healing and do the work should apply for the 2nd reading. One should have mulitple supportive resources (friends, practitioners, books, spiritual advisor, etc.) to assist on one's haling journey.
What to expect :Energy is infinite; thus, it’s a bit challenging to describe a basic energy session as they are unique to each person A lot of it just depends on the person and what they want. Basically before addressing the issue, a general anaylsis of your overall energy is done to address any non-beneficial energy that can potentially interfere with the energy session. Then the issue is addressed energetically. The energy is sent with the intention that the energy shifts happen in a manner that is right and perfect for the person. Some energy shifts are subtle, some not so subtle. Energy shifts can happen over days, weeks, or months. Everybody shifts differently. Furthermore, to have everything shift at once causes more harm than good. A lot of times I find that when the energy shifts, it lightens things up to where people feel better, think more clearly, and they can make better choices for themselves, if they so choose. Many aspects of our well-being are profoundly impacted by our choices, big and small.
CONTACT INFORMATION: Please email me at [email protected] to set up an appointment.
Payment for services are based upon the theme of reciprocity. A natural principle of healing is the exchange of energy (i.e. reciprocity). My expertise is in analysis of energy and nursing. Nursing provides me with the income to provide the necessities in life. Analyis of energy, which I was born with, provides me the means to feed my soul by providing a service to humanity. So what are you gifts/expertise to share/exchange? What does this energy mean to you? Only you can discern this value and identifying values is an integral part of the healing journey. The theme of reciprocity with integrity has been overshadowed by the spirit of greed. I'm doing my part in bringing this essential theme back to enhance the well-being of individuals, communties, and thus, in hope, the world.
* Hanna Kroeger taught a wholistic "help one another" philosophy incorporating analysis of the human energy field complemented primarily with herbal, homeopathic, and energy therapies. Her product line, Kroeger Herb, is of exceptional quality and reasonably priced. For more information regarding Kroeger Herb and natural healing visit www.peacefulmeadowreteat.com or www.hannasherbshop.com.
* The brand of Flower Essences that I work with is the Perelandra line (www.perelandra-ltd.com) and Bach Flower Remedies (www.bachflower.com)
* IET (Integrated Energy Therapy®) is often called "healing with the energy of angels®". IET gets the "issues out of your tissues" by supporting you safely and gently in releasing limiting energy patterns of your past, empowering and balancing your life in the present, and helping you to reach for the stars as you evolve into your future. For more information visit www.learniet.com
* Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection™ are reconnective frequencies that connect us to the natural energy gridlines, enable spiritual and evolutionary advancement, enhance and fuel renewal functions of the body, and increase vibratory levels for healing and personal development. The reality of its existence has demonstrated itself clearly in practice as well as in science laboratories. This is something new. This is different. This is real—and it can be entrained in each of us. You can find a wealth of information including podcasts at www.thereconnection.com
* PSYCH-K® is a set of safe, simple, self-empowering techniques that quickly help you identify and effectively change self-limiting subconscious beliefs and perceptions that impact your life. For more information visit www.psych-k.com
* EFT combines Mind Body medicine and acupuncture (without needles) for an emotional verson of acupuncture.by tapping meridian points. For a wealth of information regarding this modality visit www.emofree.com
With so much information regarding the multitude of "healthful" practices available, how is a person to wade through the sea of products, information, and therapies to know which choice is right for them? Which alternative therapies are okay? What are the "red flags" to watch for? When to should one see a doctor? With 40 years as a nurse in the health care industry and over 30 years in alternative therapies, I can help clarify some of the choices a person may make for their well-being.
The mission of NPowered, LLC is to empower people to their potential well-being thereby reciprocally enhancing the well-being of families, communities and the world. In honoring each person’s individuality, NPowered serves as a catalyst to inspire understanding and healing through the education and utilization of various modalities. Operating with the values of integrity, accountability, and trust, NPowered co-creatively inspires wisdom, well-being and empowerment in an environment feeling safe and supported.
My belief is that a balance of both the western (allopathic) and alternative health care can be created to empower ourselves to health and keep us healthy. We are each unique in genetics, environment, thoughts and beliefs; therefore, what works for one person may not work for another. Furthermore, we all find well-being and meaning in different avenues of life. When choices are made with these factors considered as well as the "energy of who we are", the choices made resonate with our well-being. By making choices that resonate and enhance our well-being, we become more knowledgeable about ourselves (and consequently others!). Knowledge is empowering! It is my belief and practice to empower others. Although we may need the assistance of others at times, true healing can only come from within, the power of one self!
* Masters Degree in Nursing Education
* Hanna Kroeger Practitioner
* Reiki Master Tera-Mai
* Master-Instructor Integrated Energy Therapy®
* The Reconnection™ and Reconnection Healing® Practitioner
* Advanced Practitioner PSYCH-K®
* EFT Practitioner
* Massage Practitioner
* Ordained Minister of the Full Gospel Ministry
* Medical Intuitive
My varied educational and clinical experiences in both the western and alternative health care offer a unique opportunity. I feel that when a practitioner calls forth the energy to heal, that there is also a responsibility to bring illumination to the mind. And this is my mastery, I can help one understand and help one's self....to find what works for you, how you can find your answers, your wisdom, and the birthright of your own personal power. I can help you help yourself, find the core of an issue, and the wisdom of that message.
Although my primary practice is a remote energetic analysis with balancing of energy, I have had training in multiple modalities and often incorporate the wisdom of them all. If you are looking for a specific modality, please refer to the information below about modalities to find a practitioner for that modality.
The energy analysis and energy work are done remotely. Some people find this remote aspect challenging, and thus, what I offer may not resonate for them. However, in explanation, in keeping with my integrity and truth, my intent is to offer a true and accurate reading and remote offers significantly less energetic interferences than in person (it IS an energetic reading!). Additionally, I work intensely with Spirit (mine and the client's) when the energy session is done, On special occasions, I do offer some in-person services such as energy treatments (similar to Reiki) and/or demonstrations of hands-on healing techniques. I also available, primarily by phone, for guidance on life’s journey as well as the deeper dive into the significance of the energetic sessions and imbalances discovered.
Be advised that if Spirit tells me that it is not my turn to help, I will inform you; thus, I retain the right to decline service.
I offer 2 types of readings. The first is an energetic balancing which MIGHT include recommendations for herbs and/or homeopathy which I do NOT profit from these recommendations. The 2nd reading includes the energetic balancing as well as exploration of the issue/concern you may have. BE ADVISED: this 2nd energetic reading often reveals the core or basis of the energetic imbalance. The information provided with this 2nd reading can create feelings of vulnerability and feelings of being overwhelmed. If you are not already engaged in the practice of reflection as well as personal accountability, this path of healing will be extremely challenging for you and, perhaps, you may do well to look else where. This 2nd reading often brings up profound issues previously not considered and/or dismissed. To process the information of this profound transformational 2nd reading will require you to delve deeply within yourself. One must have a knowledge, and preferably an understanding, of personal triggers as well as healthy coping mechanisms/resources to further assist one on their healing journey. Only those willing to walk this courageous path of healing and do the work should apply for the 2nd reading. One should have mulitple supportive resources (friends, practitioners, books, spiritual advisor, etc.) to assist on one's haling journey.
What to expect :Energy is infinite; thus, it’s a bit challenging to describe a basic energy session as they are unique to each person A lot of it just depends on the person and what they want. Basically before addressing the issue, a general anaylsis of your overall energy is done to address any non-beneficial energy that can potentially interfere with the energy session. Then the issue is addressed energetically. The energy is sent with the intention that the energy shifts happen in a manner that is right and perfect for the person. Some energy shifts are subtle, some not so subtle. Energy shifts can happen over days, weeks, or months. Everybody shifts differently. Furthermore, to have everything shift at once causes more harm than good. A lot of times I find that when the energy shifts, it lightens things up to where people feel better, think more clearly, and they can make better choices for themselves, if they so choose. Many aspects of our well-being are profoundly impacted by our choices, big and small.
CONTACT INFORMATION: Please email me at [email protected] to set up an appointment.
Payment for services are based upon the theme of reciprocity. A natural principle of healing is the exchange of energy (i.e. reciprocity). My expertise is in analysis of energy and nursing. Nursing provides me with the income to provide the necessities in life. Analyis of energy, which I was born with, provides me the means to feed my soul by providing a service to humanity. So what are you gifts/expertise to share/exchange? What does this energy mean to you? Only you can discern this value and identifying values is an integral part of the healing journey. The theme of reciprocity with integrity has been overshadowed by the spirit of greed. I'm doing my part in bringing this essential theme back to enhance the well-being of individuals, communties, and thus, in hope, the world.
* Hanna Kroeger taught a wholistic "help one another" philosophy incorporating analysis of the human energy field complemented primarily with herbal, homeopathic, and energy therapies. Her product line, Kroeger Herb, is of exceptional quality and reasonably priced. For more information regarding Kroeger Herb and natural healing visit www.peacefulmeadowreteat.com or www.hannasherbshop.com.
* The brand of Flower Essences that I work with is the Perelandra line (www.perelandra-ltd.com) and Bach Flower Remedies (www.bachflower.com)
* IET (Integrated Energy Therapy®) is often called "healing with the energy of angels®". IET gets the "issues out of your tissues" by supporting you safely and gently in releasing limiting energy patterns of your past, empowering and balancing your life in the present, and helping you to reach for the stars as you evolve into your future. For more information visit www.learniet.com
* Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection™ are reconnective frequencies that connect us to the natural energy gridlines, enable spiritual and evolutionary advancement, enhance and fuel renewal functions of the body, and increase vibratory levels for healing and personal development. The reality of its existence has demonstrated itself clearly in practice as well as in science laboratories. This is something new. This is different. This is real—and it can be entrained in each of us. You can find a wealth of information including podcasts at www.thereconnection.com
* PSYCH-K® is a set of safe, simple, self-empowering techniques that quickly help you identify and effectively change self-limiting subconscious beliefs and perceptions that impact your life. For more information visit www.psych-k.com
* EFT combines Mind Body medicine and acupuncture (without needles) for an emotional verson of acupuncture.by tapping meridian points. For a wealth of information regarding this modality visit www.emofree.com
The music you are hearing...
Native American Currents...great CD...great artists. I love it when Robert Mirabal plays his flute. I wish he would add more flute songs to his collection. There is something about the Native American flute...really touches me deeply and when the drums are added, just like the heart beat of the earth. Love it! |
More music is available by clicking on the "more" tab in the menu bar, go to archived music.